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Can You Work While in Rehab?

Can You Work While in Rehab?

Countless individuals who struggle with addiction want to get help but are worried about what will happen if they miss out on work. Several federal and state laws protect you against being terminated if you seek treatment for addiction.

Still, you might want to find answers to questions like “can you work while in rehab” if you are looking into recovery programs. Those with severe addictions might ask, “can you work while in inpatient rehab” because residential programs are the more effective, and long-term residential plans are the most effective. 

Liberty House Recovery is the best luxury drug and alcohol rehab center in Michigan. Contact us today to learn more about our Michigan drug treatment center.

Can You Work While In Rehab?

Can you work while in rehab? Yes! Multiple levels of care make it possible to continue with your work responsibilities without giving up on your mental and physical well-being. 

For some people, rehab while working means an outpatient program where you can still visit the office on a regular basis but attend afternoon or evening therapy sessions at an outpatient treatment center. There might be programs where you can combine a few weeks of inpatient services or intensive outpatient programs with traditional outpatient programs, giving you a few weeks for things like detox and initial care with a more flexible schedule that you can build around your work responsibilities thereafter.

But this doesn’t always work for everyone, especially people who need full-time care and supervision but still want to get help. In these cases, the best recommendation might be residential or inpatient treatment facilities like Liberty House, but these typically require a longer commitment and full-time residency at the treatment center, which can make it difficult for you to pop in for a last-minute meeting. 

Can You Work While in Inpatient Rehab?

Yes! Some inpatient treatment facilities have exclusive programs for executives and other professionals who need to be able to work while still working on themselves and their addictions. 

Some facilities specialize in executive-specific programs and amenities that enable communication in rehab while working. This might be on-site access to your phone or a computer in a business center. Such amenities make it possible to do basic work tasks like checking your email, coordinating with your office, and staying up to date with your company while still focusing your full-time efforts on your recovery.

With Liberty House, we can help you design a customized program based on your needs. And those needs aren’t limited to physical and mental health. They can extend to the amenities you prefer or the features necessary for you to keep working.

Rehab Where You Can Work

At some facilities, yes, you can still work! Luxury, upscale facilities like Liberty House provide amenities that allow you to participate in rehab while working.

We start with an intake interview when you reach out to our facility. This helps our staff learn more about your needs for rehab while working. Through our quick intake process, we can create a customized treatment plan for your stay, including the length of time and the type of rehab where you can work. 

Treatment lasting ninety days has demonstrated the highest level of effectiveness, so your intake might result in a recommendation for a longer period of time. Not all working individuals have the ability to take that much time off work if they cannot conduct some remote activities, which is why we work hard to incorporate these upscale amenities at our treatment center.

During detox, you’ll go through withdrawal symptoms which can be quite severe. This process generally lasts no more than one week, during which time you may not be available, but after that, we can facilitate options for working as you continue with family counseling and therapy sessions. These sessions can:

  • Improve your outcome
  • Help you heal from trauma
  • Improve your relationships (including those at work)
  • Help you handle triggers
  • Get at the root of what led to your addiction
  • Eliminate unhealthy behaviors

As you prepare to complete your program, we will help you develop an aftercare program. This is a very important step as it helps you readjust to your regular life, including your workplace and career responsibilities, in a sober fashion. You’ll learn how to avoid relapse, where to connect with local support groups, and when to continue with therapy.

Recovery is within reach. Call Liberty House at 1-866-686-0319 to learn more about rehab where you can work.

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*We currently do not accept medicaid or medicare.

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