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What is Psychoeducational Therapy?

What is Psychoeducational Therapy?

If you or someone close to you it’s struggling with addiction or co-occurring mental health disorders, it’s important to find the right kind of treatment. Psychoeducational therapy for addiction can provide a foundation of coping mechanisms and life skills that empower you to avoid self-medicating with drugs or alcohol and to overcome stress and cravings.

Liberty House Recovery is the best luxury drug and alcohol treatment center in Michigan. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

What is Psychoeducational Therapy for Addiction?

Psychoeducation is a form of therapy that combines things like education with cognitive behavioral therapy and group therapy.

What is the Purpose of Psychoeducational Therapy?

Psychoeducational therapy is designed to provide clients and their families with information about addiction or mental health disorders as well as education regarding treatment. This knowledge enables healthcare professionals and clients to work together for improved outcomes.

Things You Learn With Psychoeducational Therapy for Addiction:

  • The etiology of addiction
  • The progression of substance abuse
  • Symptoms of addiction
  • Treatment for addiction

What to Expect with Psychoeducational Therapy at Liberty House

When you participate in psychoeducational therapy for addiction, you should receive basic education about your addictions or co-occurring mental health disorders. You should also gain insight into how you can best prevent a relapse or manage stress moving forward.

  • To receive knowledge about your situation, your addiction, or mental health disorders
  • To receive problem-solving training
  • To receive communication training
  • To receive self-assertiveness training

Components of Psychoeducational Therapy for Addiction

The basic components of psychoeducation revolve around education for you and your family members. The education you receive can be modified based on your circumstances. After your initial assessment, things like who participates, how often you have psychoeducational sessions, and how long your sessions are can be decided upon. During each of your sessions, you and your family might receive education about the following:

  • Removing myths about substance abuse
  • How family can best support you and what they should avoid
  • What to expect for the long-term outcome
  • Coping skills
  • Treatment options
  • Long-term outcome expectations 

With Liberty House, our psychoeducational therapy can take many forms, including individual sessions and group therapy. That group therapy might include your family, or it might be a group of other clients. In any case, you will participate in your group sessions with a qualified therapist who leads the interaction, facilitates discussions, and offers clarification as necessary. 

There might be situations where reading material is passed out, leaflets are educational material, and videos or audio material are used to help present the education in various ways.

Group Sessions

During group sessions, you can expect to participate with individuals who have a similar substance abuse or co-occurring mental health disorder. Groups are typically limited to a few members lasting one hour and held at regular intervals throughout the week. Those clients who participate in our residential treatment program benefit from multiple sessions throughout the week. 

Family Therapy

Family psychoeducational therapy for addiction involves single families. You can choose the family members you want to participate in your sessions; they don’t have to be blood relatives. They can be very close family substitutes like godparents or close friends. Family-based models can be particularly important in dealing with substance abuse or co-occurring mental health disorders that have a genetic component because it provides all family members dealing with similar issues a better understanding of how those conditions work, what treatment is available, and why it’s important to consider things like medication and therapy together.

Similar to group sessions, these take place with a small number of participants on a regular weekly basis lasting one hour per session. During your initial assessment, we will work with you to determine how frequently you want to incorporate family therapy. 

It is often suggested that family therapy be something you begin a few weeks after you have started your residential rehab so that you can get through things like initial detox and the start of your individual recovery before you involve other people. We will work with you to determine when is the right time to start.

No matter which type of session you have, you can expect an informational aspect where we provide you and your loved ones or other clients in the group with information about substance abuse and how to manage it. You can also expect skills training where you might focus on managing your recovery, preventing relapse, or dealing with co-occurring mental health conditions long-term. During all of your sessions, you’ll receive comprehensive support facilitated through communication and engagement with other members, the therapist, and your family.

Reach out to Liberty House Recovery Center at 1-866-686-0319 today to learn more about our psychoeducational therapy.

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*We currently do not accept medicaid or medicare.

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