Exploring the Link Between Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Childhood is a formative period in our lives, shaping our beliefs, behaviors, and emotional well-being. For many individuals, childhood experiences lay the foundation for future health and happiness. However, for others, childhood may be marked by trauma, adversity, and challenges that can have lasting effects into adulthood. One such consequence is the link between childhood trauma and addiction—a complex and deeply intertwined relationship that affects millions of individuals worldwide.

Understanding Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma encompasses a range of adverse experiences that occur during formative years, including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, parental substance abuse, mental illness, or incarceration. These experiences can have profound and lasting effects on a child’s physical, emotional, and psychological development, shaping their worldview, self-esteem, and ability to cope with stress.

The Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Research has consistently shown a strong correlation between childhood trauma and the development of addiction later in life. Individuals who experience trauma during childhood are at significantly higher risk of engaging in substance abuse and developing addiction compared to those who do not. This link can be attributed to several factors:

  • Coping Mechanisms: Childhood trauma can disrupt the development of healthy coping mechanisms, leaving individuals vulnerable to seeking solace in substances as a way to numb painful emotions, alleviate distress, or escape from traumatic memories.
  • Self-Medication: Many individuals turn to drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication to alleviate symptoms of trauma-related mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or dissociation. Substance use may provide temporary relief from emotional pain but ultimately exacerbates underlying issues and contributes to the cycle of addiction.
  • Neurobiological Changes: Childhood trauma can alter the structure and function of the brain, particularly regions involved in stress regulation, emotion processing, and reward pathways. These neurobiological changes predispose individuals to heightened stress reactivity, impulsivity, and susceptibility to addiction.
  • Interpersonal Relationships: Childhood trauma can impact interpersonal relationships, leading to difficulties in forming healthy attachments, establishing trust, and communicating needs effectively. As a result, individuals may seek validation, acceptance, and connection through substance use and social networks associated with addiction.

Effects of Childhood Trauma on Those Who Are Addicted

For individuals struggling with addiction, the effects of childhood trauma can be profound and multifaceted:

  • Increased Risk of Relapse: Childhood trauma may contribute to triggers, cravings, and relapse in individuals with addiction, as unresolved trauma and emotional pain surface during recovery.
  • Complex Co-occurring Disorders: Childhood trauma often co-occurs with other mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or personality disorders, complicating the treatment process and requiring integrated, trauma-informed care.
  • Challenges in Recovery: Addressing childhood trauma is essential for long-term recovery, as unresolved trauma can undermine progress, hinder emotional healing, and perpetuate addictive behaviors.
  • Need for Trauma-Informed Care: Effective addiction treatment must address the underlying trauma and provide comprehensive, trauma-informed care that recognizes the interconnectedness of addiction and trauma and addresses the unique needs of individuals with trauma histories.

How Treatment Can Help Individuals

  • Trauma-Informed Therapy: Treatment programs that incorporate trauma-informed therapy modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Somatic Experiencing (SE) can help individuals process and heal from past trauma, develop healthy coping strategies, and reduce the risk of relapse.
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Integrated treatment approaches that address both addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders provide individuals with comprehensive care that addresses the interconnectedness of trauma and addiction. This may involve medication management, individual therapy, group therapy, and psychoeducation tailored to the individual’s unique needs.
  • Supportive Environment: Treatment programs provide a supportive and structured environment where individuals can feel safe, supported, and validated as they work through the challenges of recovery. Peer support groups, individual counseling, and family therapy sessions offer opportunities for connection, encouragement, and healing.
  • Education and Skill-Building: Treatment programs offer education and skill-building opportunities to help individuals understand the link between childhood trauma and addiction, identify triggers and coping strategies, develop healthy communication skills, and cultivate resilience in recovery.
  • Aftercare Planning: Treatment programs provide aftercare planning and support to help individuals transition back into their communities and maintain long-term sobriety. This may involve connecting individuals with community resources, support groups, sober living arrangements, and ongoing therapy to continue their recovery journey beyond treatment.

Find Healing At Liberty House Recovery Center

The link between childhood trauma and addiction underscores the importance of addressing trauma as an integral component of addiction treatment. By recognizing the impact of childhood experiences on substance abuse and addiction, we can provide individuals with the comprehensive care, support, and resources they need to heal from past trauma, overcome addiction, and reclaim their lives. At Liberty House Recovery Center, we are committed to providing trauma-informed care that addresses the underlying issues contributing to addiction and empowers individuals to embark on a journey of healing and recovery. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and a history of childhood trauma, know that help is available, and you are not alone. Reach out to Liberty House Recovery Center today to take the first step toward a brighter, healthier future.

Remember, healing is possible, and recovery is within reach.

How Substance Abuse Can Impact Relationships

When someone you love struggles with substance abuse, the impact reaches far beyond their own life, deeply affecting relationship and family dynamics. You may face increased tension as the ripple effect of addiction tests the strength of trust and communication bonds.

Understanding the full impact of substance abuse on relationships is crucial for addressing the emotional and behavioral challenges it brings.

The Ripple Effect of Substance Abuse on Relationships

Substance abuse infiltrates the very fabric of personal relationships, creating a cascade of negative effects that extend beyond the individual to touch everyone in their orbit. Partners, children, friends, and coworkers bear the brunt of the turmoil that addiction brings.

  • Impact on Intimate Relationships and Family Life:
    1. Trust and communication are often the first casualties, with secrecy and dishonesty leading to arguments and emotional distance.
    2. Financial burdens escalate as funds are diverted to support the addiction, causing stress and resentment.
    3. Roles within the family can become distorted, as children may take on adult responsibilities prematurely.
  • Effects on Youth and Social Connections:
    1. Academic performance declines among youth with substance abuse issues, often leading to absenteeism and increased dropout rates.
    2. Risky behaviors, including unprotected sex, raise the likelihood of contracting HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.
    3. The social network around the substance abuser, including siblings and friends, experiences a spectrum of negative emotions, from anger to confusion.
  • Building Towards Recovery:
    1. Acknowledging the pervasive influence of substance abuse is a critical first step toward healing.
    2. Treatment that includes the wider social circle, such as family therapy, enhances the support system crucial for recovery.
    3. Recovery is not just about abstinence; it’s about rebuilding trust, improving communication, and restoring healthy dynamics within relationships.

Challenges in Romantic Relationships and Family Dynamics

In romantic relationships, substance abuse can create a significant emotional and mental burden. You might notice your partner becoming more focused on their substance use than on your relationship. This shift in priorities often leads to a breakdown in intimacy and emotional support, leaving you feeling neglected and alone.

Financial issues also arise, as money may be secretly funneled from joint accounts to fuel the addiction, causing conflicts that can escalate into heated arguments. Trust, once the cornerstone of your partnership, may erode due to lies and secretive behavior related to substance use.

  • Emotional and Intimacy Challenges:
    • The addicted partner’s focus on substance use can lead to neglect and a lack of emotional support.
    • Substance abuse can hinder sexual performance and increase risky behavior, straining intimacy.
  • Financial and Trust Issues:
    • Secretive use of joint finances for substance procurement can cause serious conflicts.
    • Trust is often shattered by dishonesty, impacting the relationship’s stability.

Substance abuse can also increase irritability and the risk of intimate partner violence (IPV), putting the safety and well-being of both partners at risk. In families, addiction can lead to codependency, where your life may start to revolve around the addiction, potentially enabling the behavior and neglecting your own health and responsibilities.

  • Codependency and Enabling:
    • Codependency can manifest as low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility for the addicted person’s well-being.
    • Enabling behaviors, although often well-intentioned, can perpetuate the addiction and lead to further family issues.

Seeking treatment is a crucial step toward healing, and many programs include partners in the recovery process. This inclusion can be vital for addressing relationship issues and preventing relapse. Resources like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can provide support as you navigate these challenges together.

Navigating the Road to Recovery Together

Embarking on the journey of recovery with a loved one affected by substance abuse is a path of patience, understanding, and supportive actions. Family therapy is often a cornerstone of rehabilitation programs, offering a space to mend personal hurts and heal relationships. Here are practical steps you can take to navigate this road together:

  • Pre-Intervention Considerations:
    • Reflect on significant stressors in your loved one’s life before planning an intervention.
    • Approach with empathy, encouraging them to seek help without shame, armed with knowledge and understanding.
  • During Rehabilitation Support:
    • Maintain regular contact through phone calls, letters, and, if possible, in-person visits, adhering to the rehab center’s guidelines.
    • Participate actively in family therapy sessions to rebuild trust and communication.
  • Post-Treatment Support:
    • Continue being there for your loved one; listen and show kindness to support their post-rehab life.
    • Plan sober activities and stress-relieving outings to help them reintegrate into daily routines.
    • Encourage self-acceptance and self-love, emphasizing the importance of a healthy relationship with oneself and a Higher Power for sustained recovery.

Remember, recovery is a continuous process of self-discovery and growth, requiring time, trust, and the support of a nurturing network.

Get Help for Your Loved One’s Struggle With Substance Abuse

Navigating the treacherous impact of substance abuse on personal relationships requires a delicate balance of empathy, communication, and commitment to the recovery journey. This article has delved into the complexities that addiction imposes on intimacy, family dynamics, and the broader social network. By acknowledging the countless challenges—from financial strife to emotional neglect—we pave the way for healing and the rekindling of connections that have been strained or broken by substance abuse.

As relationships begin to mend through understanding and therapy, it’s essential to remember the continuous nature of the recovery process. Ensuring a supportive environment and engaging in self-reflection are vital for a successful rehabilitation. To further assist in this crucial journey, explore additional resources and guidance that can provide the necessary support for those rebuilding their lives and relationships post-addiction.

Understanding the Early Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a widespread issue impacting countless people worldwide, and it’s crucial to catch the warning signs early for effective intervention and support. Whether it’s substance abuse, gambling, or behaviors like excessive gaming or shopping, addiction can take many forms. Awareness of these signs can make all the difference in helping your loved ones get the assistance they need to seek help and work through this challenging disease.

One of the initial red flags of addiction is a noticeable shift in behavior. Those with addiction tend to become more secretive, withdrawing from their usual activities and responsibilities. Mood swings may become more common, and they might get defensive or agitated when questioned about their actions. While these changes can start subtly, spotting a consistent pattern could point toward a deeper addiction problem. Stay vigilant, supportive, and aware that it could make all the difference.

The Importance of Early Detection 

Early detection is crucial when it comes to addiction. Recognizing the signs of addiction in its initial stages can prevent it from progressing further and causing severe damage to an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By identifying addiction early on, you can intervene and offer support to your loved one, increasing their chances of successful recovery. Intervention is still beneficial in later-stage detection, but the earlier help is sought, the smoother and more successful treatment can be.  

In addition to one’s physical and mental health, early detection of addiction can help prevent the negative consequences that often accompany this condition. It can save individuals from financial troubles, strained relationships, and legal issues, all of which are quite common with addiction. Addressing addiction in its early stages can help your loved one avoid these destructive consequences, minimize damage, and guide them toward a healthier and happier life.

Physical Signs of Addiction to Look Out For

In addition to behavioral changes, there are physical signs that can indicate a loved one’s struggle with addiction. These physical indicators can vary depending on the substance or behavior involved. For example, if someone is abusing drugs, you may notice bloodshot eyes, dilated or constricted pupils, unexplained weight loss or gain, and changes in sleep patterns. Alcohol addiction may lead to slurred speech, poor coordination, and frequent hangovers.

It’s important to note that physical signs alone may not confirm addiction, as they can also be symptoms of other health conditions. However, when combined with other indicators, they can provide valuable insights into a potential addiction problem. If you notice any of these physical signs in your loved one, it is essential to approach the subject with empathy and concern when discussing their addiction.

Behavioral Change Indicators of Addiction

Behavioral changes are often one of the most evident signs of addiction, reflecting the individual’s intense cravings and preoccupation with the addictive substance or behavior. These changes can manifest in various ways, and often loved ones perceive these changes as being “off” before they recognize it could be addiction. 

Increased secrecy and lying are common behaviors among those struggling with addiction. They may become secretive about their activities, whereabouts, and the extent of their substance use, resorting to lies to cover up their addictive behavior. They may also need to live a more “private” life and get uncomfortable when asked about their whereabouts or recent outings. 

Neglecting responsibilities is another hallmark of addiction. Individuals may start neglecting their obligations, such as missing work or school, neglecting personal hygiene, or ignoring financial responsibilities. Even individuals who are highly responsible and dependable can exhibit these behaviors when in an active addiction. These behavioral changes can significantly impact their functioning, relationships, and well-being.

Changes in social circles may also indicate addiction. Those with addiction may distance themselves from their usual social circles and instead gravitate towards individuals who enable or engage in similar addictive behaviors. If you observe your loved one spending time with new friends who exhibit concerning behavior, it could signal their involvement in addictive activities. Any behaviors that could indicate addiction must be approached gently, with compassion, concern, and empathy. 

Emotional and Psychological Signs of Addiction

Addiction doesn’t just impact an individual’s physical and behavioral health, it can also profoundly affect their emotional and psychological well-being. Emotional and psychological signs of addiction can vary depending on the substance or behavior being abused, but several common indicators should be addressed if observed. 

Mood swings can be prevalent for individuals with addiction. They may experience drastic fluctuations in mood, becoming irritable, agitated, or even aggressive when unable to access their addictive substance or engage in their addictive behaviors. Alternatively, they may also exhibit euphoria or an exaggerated sense of well-being while under the influence. These swings in mood and behavior can be an indicator of active substance abuse. 

Anxiety and depression often coexist with addiction. Many individuals turn to addictive substances or behaviors as a means of coping with underlying anxiety or depression, and self-medicating. If you notice your loved one displaying symptoms of anxiety or depression, it could signal their struggle with addiction.

Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities is another sign of addiction as well. The all-consuming nature of addiction can lead individuals to neglect activities they once found fulfilling. Hobbies, socializing, and personal goals may take a backseat to addictive behavior, resulting in feelings of isolation and disconnection from their loved ones.

Social Signs and Consequences of Addiction

Addiction carries significant social ramifications that can affect an individual’s relationships, career, and overall well-being. Recognizing these social signs and consequences is vital for identifying early indicators of addiction in a loved one. 

Withdrawal from social activities is a notable behavior among those with addiction. They may distance themselves from activities they once enjoyed, isolating themselves from friends and family and preferring solitude or the company of others who enable their addictive behavior.

Relationship problems often arise due to addiction, leading to conflicts, mistrust, and emotional distance. If you observe deteriorating relationships or struggle to maintain healthy connections, it may indicate underlying addiction issues in your loved one.

Financial difficulties frequently accompany addiction, as individuals may spend excessively to sustain their addictive behavior. This can result in accumulating debt, borrowing from others, or resorting to illegal activities to fund their addiction.

Approaching your loved one with empathy and understanding is crucial when addressing potential signs of addiction. Open communication and support can increase their willingness to seek help and begin the journey towards recovery.

Approaching a Loved One About Their Potential Addiction

Approaching a loved one about their potential addiction can be a delicate and challenging task. It is crucial to approach the conversation with empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to help. It’s common for individuals with addiction issues to feel defensive when the topic is raised to them. Here are some tips to consider when discussing addiction with your loved one:

Choose the right time and place: Find a comfortable and private setting to have an uninterrupted conversation. Avoid confronting them during moments of heightened stress or when they may be under the influence. In addition, avoid public discussions so they feel more open to the conversation.

Use “I” statements: Frame your concerns using “I” statements to express your feelings and observations without sounding accusatory. For example, say, “I have noticed changes in your behavior that worry me” instead of “You’re acting strange.”

Offer support and resources: Let your loved one know that you are there to support them and provide resources for professional help. Offer to accompany them to appointments or research treatment options together.
Remember, the goal is to encourage your loved one to seek help and not to force them into recovery. Be patient, understanding, and ready to listen to their concerns and reservations.

Seeking professional help and support for addiction

When dealing with addiction, seeking professional help and support is essential for successful recovery. Addiction is a complex condition that often requires specialized treatment and guidance. The following are some resources and options to consider:

Addiction counselors or therapists: These professionals specialize in helping individuals overcome addiction. They can provide therapy, support, and strategies for managing cravings and triggers.

Support groups: Joining support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can provide a sense of community, understanding, and shared experiences. These groups offer a safe space for individuals to connect with others who are also on the path to recovery.

Rehabilitation centers: In cases of severe addiction, residential rehabilitation centers provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to detoxify and learn essential coping skills for long-term recovery.

Remember, every individual’s journey to recovery is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Encourage your loved one to explore different options and find the approach that best suits their needs. Letting them know you’re by their side through the journey can lessen the fear and help them be open to seeking help.

Preventive Measures and Interventions for Addiction

Prevention and early intervention play a crucial role in addressing addiction. Here are some preventive measures and interventions that can help minimize the risk of addiction:

Education and awareness: Promote education and awareness about the dangers of addiction from an early age. Teach children and young adults about the risks associated with substance abuse and addictive behaviors.

Encourage healthy coping mechanisms: Help individuals develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress, anxiety, and other triggers that may lead to addictive behaviors. Encourage activities like exercise, mindfulness, and creative outlets. Having a stable and grounded mental state can steer individuals away from unhealthy coping, such as substance use.

Open communication: Create an environment where open communication is encouraged and the stigma surrounding addiction is reduced. This allows individuals to feel comfortable discussing their concerns and seeking help.

By implementing these preventive measures and interventions, you can create an environment that supports individuals in making healthier choices and provides the necessary resources for those struggling with addiction.

The Power of Early Intervention for Addiction

Recognizing the initial signs of addiction in a loved one is crucial for their well-being and recovery. By understanding the physical, behavioral, emotional, and social indicators of addiction, we can intervene early and provide the necessary support and resources.

Approaching a loved one about their potential addiction requires empathy, patience, and understanding. By offering support, resources, and professional help, we can guide them toward seeking the necessary treatment and embarking on their journey to recovery.

Remember, addiction is a complex condition that often requires professional intervention. Seek help from addiction counselors, therapists, and support groups to ensure the best possible outcome for your loved one. Liberty House is highly experienced in guiding individuals through the path of recovery. Together, we can make a difference and help individuals overcome the challenges of addiction.

How to Quit Drinking for Good

How to quit drinking alcohol for good

Are you tired of waking up with a pounding headache and anxiety after a night of heavy drinking? If so, it’s time to embark on a transformative journey towards a better life—one free from the grip of alcohol. In this blog, we’ll delve into powerful strategies and practical tips to not just quit drinking but elevate your well-being and reclaim control over your life.

The Significance of Abandoning Alcohol

The impact of alcohol addiction on physical and mental health, relationships, and overall well-being cannot be understated. Acknowledging the importance of quitting alcohol is the initial step towards crafting a healthier and more fulfilling life. By removing alcohol from your life, you pave the way for enhanced physical health, emotional stability, and a renewed sense of purpose. 

Quitting alcohol will have a positive influence beyond yourself, and extend into the lives of those around you. Loved ones will no longer bear the weight of worrying about your well-being, and you will become a source of inspiration for others working through alcohol addiction. Seize control, make a commitment to yourself, and embrace a future unburdened by alcohol.

The Advantages of Embracing Sobriety

The benefits of giving up alcohol are vast and profound. Not only will you witness improvements in physical health, including better sleep, heightened energy levels, and an improved immune system, but you will also experience profound changes to your mental and emotional well-being.

A liberated mind, devoid of alcohol’s influence, empowers you to make sound decisions and concentrate on your goals. Relationships will thrive with improved communication and deeper connections. Furthermore, quitting alcohol can lead to significant financial savings, freeing you from the loss of income associated with alcohol consumption and its aftermath.

Navigating the Challenges of Sobriety

Quitting alcohol is no easy feat, and it’s crucial to comprehend the hurdles that lie ahead. Managing withdrawal symptoms, which can range from mild to severe, requires a proactive approach, especially depending on the severity of your addiction.

Common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, nausea, and in severe cases, hallucinations. Seek professional assistance or join a support group to navigate these challenges safely. Remember, you’re not alone—resources are available to support you every step of the way.

Crafting a Strategic Plan for Sobriety

A well-thought-out plan is paramount for success in your journey to quit drinking. Establish achievable, SMART goals, breaking down the overall objective into manageable steps. Gradually reduce alcohol intake or set a specific date for complete cessation.

Identify triggers and situations that might tempt you to drink, and find strategies to avoid or cope with them. Surround yourself with a supportive network, seeking professional help if necessary. With a well-thought-out, crafted plan, you pave the way for a successful journey towards sobriety.

Seeking Support and Resources During Recovery

The journey to quit drinking should be a journey surrounded by community and support. Reach out to friends and family, sharing your decision to quit. Their understanding and encouragement can play a pivotal role in your success. For a more discreet support system, consider joining local or online groups dedicated to alcohol addiction to connect with others in similar situations.

Numerous resources, including books, podcasts, and websites, offer valuable insights, practical tips, and motivational stories. You don’t have to face this challenge alone—help is readily available with just a call or click away.

Strategies for Overcoming Cravings and Withdrawal Symptoms

Effectively managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms is crucial to maintaining sobriety. When cravings emerge, engage in healthy distractions such as exercise, meditation, or finding new enjoyable hobbies. Explore alternative beverages that offer a sensory experience without the alcohol content.

To combat withdrawal symptoms, ensure adequate rest, maintain a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. Incorporate relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga into your routine. Consult healthcare professionals if needed, exploring medication options to manage withdrawal symptoms effectively.

Cultivating Healthy Coping Mechanisms and Habits

Quitting alcohol involves more than breaking a habit—it’s about replacing it with healthier coping mechanisms. Identify the root causes of your drinking and explore alternative ways to address those issues. Therapy and support groups can help you identify your triggers, as well as find more positive coping skills. Embrace activities that bring joy and fulfillment, be it pursuing hobbies, connecting with nature, or spending time with loved ones.

Establish a routine supportive of sobriety, incorporating regular exercise to release endorphins and promote a positive mindset. Prioritize self-care through relaxation, sleep, and activities that are nurturing to your mental well-being. Remember, developing healthy coping mechanisms is a gradual process, requiring patience throughout.

Sustaining Sobriety and Preventing Relapse

Maintaining sobriety is a lifelong commitment. Recognizing potential triggers or situations that may tempt you to drink can ensure you avoid these situations or have a coping mechanism when they do arise. Surround yourself with a robust support network of friends, family, or fellow individuals on the path to recovery.

In the event of a relapse, view it as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Seek support, reassess strategies, and dedicate yourself to your sobriety to prevent future relapses. Setbacks are part of the journey; stay focused on long-term goals.

Celebrating Achievements and Acknowledging Progress

As you progress on your journey to quit drinking, celebrating milestones and acknowledging your achievements can keep you focused on your long-term goals. Whether it’s a day, a week, or a year of sobriety, each milestone is a commendable feat. Treat yourself, engage in a favorite activity, or share your success with your support network. Celebrating milestones reinforces your commitment and motivates the ongoing journey.

Embracing a Healthier, Happier Life Without Alcohol

Quitting drinking is a challenging journey, but with the right mindset, support, and strategies, it is entirely possible. Recognize the significance, understand the challenges, and create a well-crafted plan to gain control of your life. Surround yourself with a strong support network, seek professional assistance if needed, and cultivate healthy coping mechanisms. Celebrate milestones, stay committed, and embrace a life free from the burden of alcohol addiction. The road to sobriety may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. Begin your journey today and welcome a life of lasting sobriety.

Genetics and Neurobiology of Addiction

Today, we know that addictions represent complex diseases that, to some extent, have environmental and genetic factors. It’s common for individuals struggling with addiction to struggle with chronic addiction or relapse. Several genetic studies have focused on the neurobiology of addiction to help identify the best forms of prevention and treatment.

Addiction is a worldwide problem, with some estimates reporting that over seventy-three million people around the world struggle with alcohol abuse and over one hundred eighty billion with drug addiction.

Neurobiology of Addiction: The Dangerous Cycle

The neurobiology of addiction has found that there are three key parts to the addiction cycle:

  • Craving
  • Intoxication
  • Withdrawal 

Craving is a category also referred to as preoccupation or anticipation, where an individual becomes completely preoccupied with obtaining and using more of their addictive substance.

Impulsivity and positive reinforcement because of neurological changes in the brain due to drug and alcohol abuse are the primary drivers behind this part of the cycle. Negative reinforcement dominates the brain and makes changes in genetic expression in the reward center, which helps to form a habit and continue despite any negative effects.

These changes to genetic expression take place, particularly in the striatum part of the brain, which is responsible for relapse.

Liberty House Recovery is an inpatient drug rehab in Michigan that can help with addiction and substance use disorders.

Genetics of Addiction

Science into the neurobiology of addiction, genetics of addiction, and other environmental variables has revealed that addiction can be moderately to highly inherited on a genetic basis. Twin studies, adoption studies, and other family studies reveal that there is a degree of genetic relationship for certain addictions.

For example:

Alcohol Addiction

ADH1B, or Alcohol dehydrogenase, and ALDH2, or mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, are responsible for metabolizing alcohol. So, when these are altered (or expressed differently), they can lower or raise activity, which can reduce negative symptoms of alcohol consumption. 


HIST1H2BD is a gene identified with cocaine addiction. If your family has this gene in their family genome, it can put you at a higher risk of developing a cocaine addiction should you ever try cocaine. 


These three genes are heavily associated with your ability to handle stress. If you have these genes, you might respond differently to stressful situations, which could change how your brain responds to stress and addiction. 

Stress and Genes

New science has revealed that environmental factors like stress can induce epigenetic changes, and these epigenetic changes can trigger the development of addiction.

Epigenetic changes happen when the regulation of your gene expression is altered because new information is added to an existing genetic material.

For example:

John consumes alcohol on a somewhat regular basis. He has a stable job, he owns his home, and he has a loving family. He drinks at barbecues, parties, dinners, and other celebrations but usually no more than one or two glasses of wine or a beer. He never has a problem with his alcohol consumption.

A few months later, John’s spouse unexpectedly dies, and this releases glucocorticoids, a stress hormone that triggers changes throughout John’s body, including the regulation of how his genes are expressed in his brain.

These stress hormones rewire the circuitry in the reward center of his brain, so now, when John starts drinking, he finds that he’s unable to stop, and he ends up continuing to drink despite the fact that it has negative ramifications in his life like losing his job and struggling financially, and not being there for his children.

After a basic outpatient rehab program for alcohol addiction, when John continues to face significant stresses in his life, he struggles with relapse.

Getting Help to Tackle the Genetics of Addiction

In cases like John’s, our Michigan luxury drug and alcohol rehab can help reduce stress and stress-induced epigenetic changes. Stress cannot be avoided in life, but how an individual chooses to respond to it can. Our targeted addiction treatments are based on the neurobiology of addiction and the way in which addiction changes the reward system of the brain.

With Liberty House, clients benefit from our whole-person approach that incorporates evidence-based practices such as psychotherapy and holistic treatments. Things like exercise can help reduce negative feelings, while medication and cognitive behavioral therapy might be beneficial to prevent or change behaviors brought about by epigenetic alterations.

Overall, the neurobiology of addiction has found several links to genetics. The genetics of addiction can put individuals at a heightened risk of developing addiction should they try specific substances, while other genes can alter genetic expression in response to stress. 

Call our team today to get a personalized recovery program that takes your genetics and environment into account.

Treating PTSD and Substance Abuse

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, develops after an individual experiences trauma. Studies indicate that one out of every three people will develop PTSD and require treatment. Many people experience two or three traumatic experiences throughout their lifetime. PTSD doesn’t necessarily develop only after experiencing trauma. Instead, it can develop after someone close to you has experienced trauma or for those who work as First Responders and witness traumatic events.

PTSD can come from:

  • Accidents
  • Injuries
  • Domestic abuse
  • Assault
  • Natural disasters
  • War
  • Torture
  • Violence
  • Illnesses 

While it’s perfectly normal to experience symptoms of PTSD, like trouble sleeping or flashbacks immediately after a traumatic event, it becomes a mental health disorder when, several months after the fact, those symptoms have not gone away and, in many cases, have gotten worse.

Liberty House Recovery is a Michigan drug treatment center that offers comprehensive addiction treatment. Call today to learn more.

The Relationship Between PTSD and Addiction

When individuals don’t have a diagnosis, the ongoing symptoms of PTSD can lead them to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. 

Those who struggle with PTSD often abuse benzodiazepines, alcohol, and sleeping pills to help temporarily relieve symptoms like recurring nightmares or insomnia.

This often leads to addiction. 

Symptoms of PTSD can include:

  • Frequent stress 
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Sleeping problems
  • Nightmares
  • Intense flashbacks 
  • Disturbing thoughts
  • Problems concentrating

The problem is that triggers are unique to individual circumstances, so what triggers certain symptoms in one person might not be in another. Exposure to specific sounds, sights, or even smells could act as triggers and encourage drug or alcohol abuse. 

With ongoing addiction, symptoms of drug addiction can exacerbate symptoms of PTSD. For example, PTSD and addiction both contribute to higher levels of stress hormones like norepinephrine and adrenaline. These higher resting levels in the amygdala, when an individual is not in dangerous situations, can cause changes to brain structure. 

Eventually, the part of the brain responsible for memory, the hippocampus, gets smaller as the amygdala gets bigger, and this can make it difficult to concentrate or even store information in long-term memory. 

Other research indicates a high correlation between PTSD and addiction. People who struggle with untreated PTSD are more likely to use things like anti-anxiety medications or alcohol to reduce symptoms.

For example:

  • If someone experiences a flashback or nightmare while they’re sleeping, in order to get back to sleep, they might use high levels of alcohol
  • If someone gets triggered in the middle of a work day, they are more likely to turn to alcohol or drugs to reduce their symptoms so that they can either mask or ignore the symptoms

In any of these situations, the PTSD remains untreated, so the risk of being triggered or experiencing flashbacks that encourage repeat alcohol abuse or substance abuse gets higher and higher. The best course of action is to treat both conditions at the same time. 

PTSD and Substance Abuse Treatment

If you or someone close to you is struggling with PTSD and substance abuse, dual-diagnosis PTSD treatment is the best option. 

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis treatment is when you go to the same facility and get care for PTSD and addiction concurrently. This can include things like talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR, holistic therapy, and medication.

How is Dual Diagnosis PTSD Treatment More Effective?

Dual diagnosis therapy is more effective than traditional addiction treatment because it helps target the underlying cause of addiction: PTSD. With traditional addiction treatment, an individual might get help for the physical aspects of their addiction, but soon after they return to their daily lives, stress and triggers might cause symptoms of PTSD to come back, starting the cycle of self-medication and substance abuse all over again.

Dual diagnosis PTSD treatment can include a daily schedule of holistic care like EMDR, which helps to reprocess the way in which memories, particularly traumatic memories, are stored in the brain without having to describe the events or circumstances to a therapist. This is the best-recommended therapy for PTSD used by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the World Health Organization

While targeting the underlying symptoms, the rest of the services received could help change things like negative automatic thoughts through cognitive behavioral therapy stress management techniques with meditation, mindfulness, and yoga.

Overall, PTSD and addiction are often interrelated. Getting the right help means finding dual-diagnosis PTSD treatment at a qualified facility like Liberty House Recovery. Our staff is here to help support your overall well-being by addressing the physical and psychological withdrawal from addiction and addressing untreated PTSD. 
If you are struggling with PTSD and substance abuse, contact our team today to tour our luxury drug and alcohol rehab center in Michigan.

Drug Addiction and Stigma That Follows

Drug Addiction and Stigma That Follows

For several decades, people mistakenly believed that drug addiction or alcoholism were the marks of moral failure or poor character. This led to terms like “junkie,” “user,” or “addict,” which began to define someone by their mental health disorder rather than as a person with an addiction. 

Overcoming such addiction stigma can be hard, and it takes time. In some cases, you might confront it and not be able to change it, but that does not mean you shouldn’t get help. 

With a good treatment program, you can learn how to change the stigmas your family holds, how to work together to educate others, and how to respond appropriately to difficult situations.

 To find comprehensive mental health and substance abuse treatment, contact our Michigan drug treatment center today.

Stigma and Drug Addiction

There are many reasons why people avoid getting the treatment they need for addiction. One of them is the perceived cost, and the other is the risk of drug addiction and stigma. 

Worries over stigma can prevent people from reaching out to others for help when needed, from admitting that they have an addiction, and staying sober after completing a program. 

Consider this:

When John was a child, he heard his father be critical of a few homeless people in a shopping center, remarking that they were “junkies” and that they wouldn’t be in that place if they had chosen to be better people. 

So when John grew up and struggled with addiction on and off for four years, he was always afraid of asking for help or even admitting a problem. He believed, incorrectly, that there was something wrong with him, and because he never reached out for help, he never interacted with someone who could tell him otherwise. 

If John was able to read something online about stigma and drug addiction, he might learn more about how misguided such comments from his father were and the importance of not letting someone else’s potential judgment interfere with living a great, rewarding life. 

But addiction stigma doesn’t end with getting help. 

Consider this:

John finally admitted to his mother, though not his father, that he was struggling with addiction. The family supported his decision to get help and continued to support him with family therapy, support groups, letting him live at home after treatment and helping him rebuild his life. 

When he attempted to open a new bank account, the teller was particularly rude about his lack of financial statements. He explained that he had spent the last three months in drug rehab, to which she became even more abrasive. 

John’s mother, with him at the time, was so incensed at the treatment he received that she closed her accounts with the bank, as did the rest of the family, and lodged several complaints. 

If John were able to complete treatment, he would know that such stigma and drug addiction sometimes go hand in hand. It could have been a trigger for him, but he would have learned that he can’t control others, only his responses. He might recognize and sit with his embarrassment, his anger, his frustration, and his pain but then be able to process it and move on. 

Get Treatment with Liberty House

At Liberty House, we work hard to overcome stigma and drug addiction. Our staff provides sensitive and personalized residential programs that can include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Dual diagnosis services

We offer on-site detox services as one of few licensed facilities. We can provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction or alcoholism. Once detox is complete, we offer clients comprehensive inpatient programs personalized to their needs

With our fully licensed medical facility, we have counselors, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel on duty at all times to ensure every patient receives optimum care. When you reach out to our team, we will help you undergo an initial assessment to provide a personalized care plan. 

A significant part of that plan is family therapy, where you can address the potential for drug addiction and stigma long after you leave your therapy program. Having a support system around you can make it easier to overcome addiction stigma that might hold you back from getting help and prepare you to overcome addiction stigma moving forward. 

Don’t let addiction stigma get in the way of your best life. Call us today to learn more about our programs. 

What is the Cycle of Addiction?

What is the Cycle of Addiction?

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction, you might think it’s a linear process that moves through certain stages, but once they get help, those stages are complete. However, the cycle of addiction is a bit more complicated.

Liberty House Recovery is a luxury drug and alcohol rehab center in Michigan. Contact us today to learn more about the signs of substance abuse and available treatment options.

Understanding Cyclic Addiction

Addiction is a chronic condition that causes significant changes to the brain, particularly areas that control/influence:

  • Motivation
  • Pleasure
  • Memory
  • Rewards

As is the case with all chronic conditions, it’s not something that happens overnight but rather builds gradually in stages. This type of cyclic addiction is defined by the six stages of the addiction cycle.

What is The Addiction Cycle?

The addiction cycle is comprised of six stages. However, some of these stages can take place simultaneously, and it’s not uncommon for people to bounce back and forth near the latter stages.

Cyclic Addiction Stage One

The first stage in the cycle of addiction is when an individual uses drugs or alcohol for the first time. This can be something as simple as having a first drink when turning twenty-one or getting a prescription filled after a car accident.

No matter how this cycle begins, it represents the first stage in this addiction cycle. The first stage does not necessarily guarantee movement through the other stages but can set the foundation for it.

Clients are at a higher risk of moving through the other stages if they:

  • Have a history of substance abuse in their family or in their past
  • Have mental health disorders
  • Struggle with abuse
  • Live in an unsupportive and unsafe home
  • Have peers or family who support substance abuse
  • Struggle with social issues or loneliness

Stage Two

Stage two in the cycle of addiction is abuse. This is when that same twenty-one-year-old or spouse with a prescription takes higher doses and uses substances more often than they should. This might include regular binge drinking or taking twice as many painkillers as prescribed.

The stage represents the point at which an individual abuses their substance intentionally.

Addiction Stage Three

As an individual abuses drugs and alcohol more frequently, it leads to the third stage in the addiction cycle: tolerance. Over time, substance abuse causes changes in the brain such that a person can tolerate higher doses or more frequent consumption.

When this happens, recreating the original high or whatever feeling came from stage one requires higher doses or more frequent doses.

Cyclic Addiction Stage Four

The fourth stage is one that comes shortly after the third, and that is dependence. When someone becomes dependent, it means they can’t function normally without drugs or alcohol.

Stage Five

The fifth stage in the cycle of addiction is defined as addiction. This is when the condition is considered a chronic mental health disorder, and individuals:

  • Use more than they plan
  • Cannot stop using or drinking even if they want to
  • Have problems with their work, school, or relationships because of their addiction
  • Spend most of their time using or recovering
  • Stop participating in hobbies or other enjoyable social activities to drink or do drugs
  • Experience physical and mental health problems because of addiction
  • Have severe withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop

At this stage, individuals might experience only a few symptoms, considered mild addiction. Others might experience all or most symptoms indicative of a severe condition requiring residential care.

Stage Six

The final stage is relapse. There is a risk of relapse with any chronic condition. People are at risk of reaching this stage and finding themselves back in stage five or even stage four if they try to quit cold turkey without any support, if the initial treatment they receive isn’t the proper treatment they need, or several other factors that can contribute. 

With aftercare programs, you can decrease the risk of moving into this stage. 

Getting the Right Help

If you or someone close to you is in stage six and you have experienced a relapse, it is not indicative of failure. Instead, it means that the treatment received may not have supported your needs best. With Liberty House, we provide comprehensive inpatient drug rehab services in Michigan, which might be the right solution for someone with a severe addiction.

We also offer personalized treatment regardless of stage. If you find yourself or a loved one struggling in stage three or stage four of cyclic addiction, don’t be afraid to seek help before things progress.

Reach out to our team today to learn more about finding help for addiction. 

When Worry Leads to Action: Can You Force Someone into Rehab?

When Worry Leads to Action: Can You Force Someone into Rehab?

If someone in your family is struggling with addiction, it can cause overwhelming worry, concern, and heartbreak. There is nothing worse than watching a close family member change for the worse because of an addiction and feeling helpless to stop the path they are on. When you are worried and concerned, it’s not uncommon to wonder whether you can just force someone into rehab.

Liberty House Recovery is one of the best luxury drug and alcohol rehab centers in Michigan. Contact us to learn more about our Michigan drug treatment center and how we can help you or a loved one overcome addiction.

Can You Force Someone into Rehab?

If you have a close friend or family member who is struggling with addiction, it can be heartbreaking to watch them move through their stages and not get the help they need. So you might ask, “Can you force someone into rehab,” because you’re trying to find a way to force them to get the help they need even though they don’t recognize that need yet.

Unfortunately, you cannot force someone into rehab or force them to stay. Anyone who is over the age of eighteen is free to make their own choices.

Can You Force Someone into Rehab who is Underage?

If you are the parent of a child under the age of 18 who lives in your home or the legal guardian, you can force them into rehab, specifically a center that offers teen or adolescent drug and alcohol rehab programs. 

However, people, even teenagers, who go into a drug and alcohol rehab program against their will are less likely to complete it.

Can a Person Check Themselves Out of a Rehab Center?

Yes, they can. If someone starts drug or alcohol rehab, they can choose to leave at any time. If they do, it is called “against medical advice,” which is noted in their records in case someone reviews them later. 

This is more common than you might realize: the average rate of people who check themselves out of a rehab center against medical advice is seventeen percent, but it ranges from three to fifty-one percent. 

If you are the family member of someone in treatment or you have someone struggling with addiction, as the person who checked them in, you would receive a call from the treatment center that they decided to check out early. This can be difficult to accept, and you might then wonder about forcibly committing a person to rehab. 

Unfortunately, no treatment center can hold someone against their will, nor can a family engage in committing a person to rehab against their will. 

When do People Commonly Check Out of Rehab?

People who check themselves out of a rehab center against medical advice usually do so around day three, after they begin to realize how far away from friends and family they will be and as their more intense withdrawal symptoms take place. 

Common Reasons People Leave

There are several reasons why people decide to check themselves out of a rehab center, not least of which is not wanting to be there in the first place. People who get convinced by their friends or family but don’t actually want to go themselves or lack the motivation to change are more likely to leave. 

Similarly, when people get through detox, and they are faced with all of the emotions that were suppressed thanks to drugs and alcohol, it can be frightening and overwhelming, causing them to leave. In other cases, people are too uncomfortable with the detox process and decide to leave very early.

Can a Person Check Themselves Out of a Rehab Center if There is a Court Order?

In some situations, people are ordered by a court to attend treatment. This is often part of a plea deal. It typically comes with strings such as they must attend and complete rehab or they go to jail. 

Even if your loved one has a court order with repercussions should they fail, they can still choose to check themselves out of rehab, knowing what they will face as a result. 

How to Help

If you can’t force someone into rehab and you can’t force them to stay once they’re in, what can you do to help your loved ones?

There are several things you can do. When you reach out to Liberty House, our team can talk you through the different drug treatment programs we have so that you know what’s available if and when the time comes that your loved one makes a decision on their own to get help.

If you haven’t, consider staging an intervention. In some cases, using a professional interventionist can help you get your message across to a loved one who might not recognize subtle attempts to encourage their recovery.

It’s imperative that you do not give up hope and that you continue to communicate with your loved one, offering support where you can without enabling and regularly encouraging them to get the help they need, highlighting that no one would treat them any differently and everyone would still love them.

Call our team today to tour our facility and learn more about things like interventions and helping someone with addiction. 

Are There Resources For Families of Alcoholics?

Are There Resources For Families of Alcoholics?

Alcoholism has well-documented impacts on individuals, but prolonged struggle with alcoholism can severely impact family members as well, damaging relationships between family, friends, and other loved ones. If you are an individual with a family member struggling with addiction or alcoholism, you might wonder what resources are available to you to help you cope, to give you educational information, and to support your loved one.

Liberty House Recovery is the best luxury drug and alcohol rehab center in Michigan. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of drug treatment centers in Michigan.

Family Therapy

The best alcoholic family resource is to participate in family therapy. Family therapy can involve any number of family members; they don’t necessarily have to be direct blood relatives. They can include distant cousins, aunts, half-siblings, and even godparents.

When an individual enters into a residential alcohol rehab program, they will start by focusing on detox and self-care. This will involve several sessions of individual and group therapy each week. After certain progress has been made, many facilities like Liberty House will open up the treatment program to incorporate family therapy.

When this happens, chosen family members are able to come to the treatment facility at designated times to be involved in family therapy sessions facilitated by a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist.

During these sessions, individuals have an opportunity to reflect on the way in which alcoholism has impacted the family dynamics, what emotions might be involved, how alcoholism works, what a trigger is, and how to best support one another moving forward.

Resources for Families of Addicts

If your family member is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, participation in ongoing support groups can provide you with an alcoholic family resource where you can turn when you have questions, when you aren’t sure how to best support your loved one, or when you just need to talk.


AA provides resources for families of alcoholics:

  • You can find local group therapy for families of alcoholics in your area
  • You can review resources for families of addicts on how to help them quit or get help
  • You can take quizzes to see how any AA alcoholic family resource might benefit you or your family

Support Groups

Support groups of any time conserve as an essential part of addiction treatment for loved ones whose family members are struggling with alcoholism. Ongoing support groups or family therapy can provide a place for everyone to learn how to better communicate, support one another, recognize triggers, and overall contribute to the chances of success for your loved one.

Online Resources

Several online resources have become available. For example, if you are looking for an alcoholic family resource, visit websites like alcohol.org or the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

These websites and corresponding resources are particularly effective in providing educational resources for families of addicts and alcoholics. It provides research-based information on the impact that drinking can have on your loved one, yourself, and other family members.

Other sites like the CDC provide similar information on alcohol use and the impact it has on health. 

Other online resources include online therapy, which can be readily accessed no matter where you are. This is a great resource for families, especially when their loved one is out of contact and undergoing alcohol rehab. Online therapy can be slightly more casual than organized AA meetings, with a chance to work through individual feelings of guilt, shame, hopelessness, or mistrust that may have developed.

Group Therapy for Families of Alcoholics at Liberty House

Clients who attend our residential treatment facility are more likely to remain in attendance and avoid relapse after treatment if they have involvement with loved ones. That is why we offer group therapy for families of alcoholics. We believe that clients are much more likely to succeed if they are involved in different types of counseling and holistic interventions.

The most successful individualized therapy programs incorporate alternative holistic care and individual and group therapies. In traditional therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, individuals can talk about their fears, learn more about things that may have contributed to alcoholism, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

These psychotherapies are more effective if they integrate family programming. Involving family members provides crucial support for loved ones during their recovery and when they return home. Access to resources for families of alcoholics can provide loved ones with the information they need to:

  • Understand what a trigger is
  • Avoid enabling behaviors
  • Learn to recognize relapse symptoms
  • Provide help and ongoing support

If you are ready to start group therapy for families of alcoholics or find other resources for families of alcoholics, call our team today.