How Does Heroin Affect the Brain?

How Does Heroin Affect the Brain?

How does heroin affect the brain? What treatment is best? 

If you or someone you love is struggling with Heroin addiction, it’s crucial to understand how heroin affects the brain and why professional treatment is a necessity. With Liberty House Recovery Center, you can find individualized inpatient treatment using medication-assisted detox for your recovery, giving you the best chance at long-term success.

What Drug Class of Drug is Heroin?

Heroin is considered an opioid. Opioids are a class of drugs, both legal and illegal. Legal versions include prescriptions like morphine and Fentanyl. Morphine is a natural version of opioids derived from the poppy plant, while Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. Heroin is an illegal street version that is not used for medicinal purposes.

How Does Heroin Affect the Brain?

What does heroin do to the brain? How does heroin affect the brain differently from other drugs?

Your brain has natural opioid receptors. When you experience pain, your body creates opioid chemicals naturally, and these chemicals bind to the opioid receptors. Naturally occurring opioid chemicals in your brain are short-lived and don’t help with chronic pain, just acute pain. 

The part of the brain that heroin affects is the same part of the brain. 

When you use heroin, the heroin binds to the same opioid receptors. The part of the brain that heroin affects is the part that releases dopamine. Dopamine helps you feel more relaxed and helps to reduce feelings of pain. When you exercise, for example, your body might release dopamine that binds to those opioid receptors and temporarily masks the pain you might feel from lifting heavy weights or running a long distance, and then at the same time, you feel high like a runner’s high.

This is all short-lived when it occurs naturally. But with heroin, it’s much more intense, and it lasts much longer. When the heroin wears off, you feel intense cravings to replicate that same high and reduced pain sensation. 

Contact our luxury detox center in Michigan to learn more about overcoming opioid addiction today.

How Addictive is Heroin?

Historically heroin was once used as a prescription painkiller, but that was outlawed at the beginning of the 20th century because of how addictive it was. 

Heroin is highly addictive, such that anyone who uses heroin regularly will develop a tolerance, and continued abuse will result in a substance use disorder. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and begin within a few hours from the last dose.

It is heroin withdrawal symptoms that have led to the phrases “cold turkey” in light of the cold flashes and goosebumps that people experience and “kicking the habit” in light of the uncontrollable leg kicking and muscle spasms. 

Long-term heroin addiction damages the brain. Researchers have found that areas of the white matter are diminished with continued heroin abuse. That same white matter directly inhibits your ability to:

  • Make sound decisions
  • Control your behavior
  • And respond well to stress

With the right treatment center, this damage can be reversed. 

How to Find an Inpatient Heroin Rehab and Detox Center in Michigan

Detoxing from heroin is very dangerous and should be done with professional help. If you need help finding an inpatient heroin rehab and detox center, reach out to Liberty House. Liberty House Recovery Center offers quality heroin addiction treatment in Michigan. 

With Liberty House Recovery Center, you can get heroin detox with medication management using opioid agonists that help fill the parts of your brain where heroin would normally attach. These medications help to ease the intensity of your withdrawal symptoms. Doctors have to work with you individually to tape how much you use until your brain chemistry is normalized. Our Michigan luxury drug and alcohol treatment center is a fully licensed medical facility with doctors and nurses on site twenty-four hours per day. 

Heroin abuse can lead to chronic health issues like changes in mental health, resulting in depression or anxiety. With our facility, you can participate in dual diagnosis services that involve individual, group, and family therapy to meet your needs best. The individualized program you receive provides treatment to help you overcome any co-occurring mental health and heroin addiction disorders.
Reach out to Liberty House Recovery Center to learn more. Contact us today to learn more about our Michigan drug treatment center.

What Are Amphetamines?

What Are Amphetamines?

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction to amphetamine drugs, you can find help through Liberty House Recovery Center. Amphetamines can be dangerous when abused, so it is important to know the signs of amphetamine abuse.

Liberty House Recovery is a luxury drug and alcohol treatment center in Michigan. Contact us today to learn how we can help you or a loved one overcome addiction.

What Are Amphetamines?

What are amphetamines? Are amphetamines stimulants? Are there prescription amphetamine examples or just illegal amphetamines?

These are common questions, and understanding how amphetamine drugs work can prepare you for recognizing symptoms and yourself or others of addiction and getting treatment where necessary.

Amphetamines are psychostimulant drugs often prescribed for things like ADHD or narcolepsy. 

So, are amphetamines stimulants? Yes, they are stimulants. Amphetamines work by increasing the speed of communication between your body and brain.

Amphetamines were originally manufactured in the 1930s as a nasal congestant but, within a few years, were converted into tablet form used for narcolepsy and ADHD. Today they are still used as a prescription for ADHD and sleeping disorders. 

Are Amphetamines Dangerous?

Any drug can be dangerous because all drugs have some side effects. Amphetamine drugs are stimulants which means they speed up your central nervous system. Much like adrenaline which naturally occurs in the body, especially during fight or flight moments, amphetamines naturally stimulate your central nervous system and communication in your brain.


If you have a prescription for amphetamines and you misuse that prescription, it can lead to a higher tolerance. When your body develops tolerance to amphetamines, that means you have to take more amphetamines more often to get the effects you want. This can lead to addiction and withdrawal symptoms if you try to stop.

Risk Factors

In addition to asking, “what are amphetamines” you might wonder, “what causes addiction to amphetamines.” Multiple risk factors can increase an individual risk of addiction.

Some examples include genetics. Certain individuals with a predisposition to addictive tendencies might more easily become addicted, even to a prescription. The environment also impacts the risk of addiction. Living with family members who are addicts or in an environment where drug addiction is common can increase the likelihood that one will exhibit addictive tendencies. 

Mental health issues can increase the risk as well. ADHD is categorized as a mental health disorder for which amphetamines might be prescribed.

If you are looking for addiction and mental health treatment, our dual diagnosis center in Michigan can help.

Which Drugs Are Amphetamines?

What are some amphetamine examples? Amphetamine drugs can be prescription or illegal drugs. Prescriptions include:

  • Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine (Adderall®),
  • Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine®),
  • Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse™) 
  • Methamphetamine (Desoxyn®). 

Some common names for street drugs, illegal versions of amphetamines, include:

  • Ice
  • Speed
  • Black Beauties
  • Crank
  • Uppers
  • Bennies

How Do Amphetamines Impact the Body?

Amphetamine drugs can impact multiple areas of the body. If you have asked, “what are amphetamines,” by now, you recognize that they are a stimulant which means they stimulate parts of the body and brain for people who don’t have ADHD but can have a calming effect on people who do.

Using amphetamine drugs can increase breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. But large doses of amphetamines can result in irregular heartbeats, poor coordination, sweating, headaches, and blurred vision. 

How to Find Amphetamine Addiction Treatment in Ann Arbor, Michigan

If you are ready to get help, you can find resources for Ann Arbor treatment centers through your primary care physician, addiction resources, and facilities like Liberty House. At Liberty House, we provide comprehensive residential treatment that includes services for specific groups, specific drugs, and individual mental health issues. If you are struggling with an addiction to amphetamines because of a prescription for ADHD, Liberty House can help you with an ADHD treatment program and an amphetamine addiction program simultaneously.

When you reach out to our admission staff, we can help you schedule a tour of our facility so you can look at the top-of-the-line amenities, state-of-the-art rooms, and client-friendly facilities. Will also help you with an initial evaluation which will help us recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for your situation. 

With Liberty House, you can get treatment for amphetamine addiction, starting with our residential detox program. You’ll start your recovery at our detox center in Michigan with medical supervision and seamlessly transition to our residential care program. We work hard to assist you throughout the course of your recovery, not just for your initial care. That’s why our facility specializes in ongoing aftercare planning so that you are prepared for sobriety when you transition back to your regular life.

Don’t wait to get help. Call Liberty House today to learn more about amphetamine addiction.

What Are the Signs of Heroin Abuse?

What Are the Signs of Heroin Abuse?

If you or someone you love is showing odd behavioral and physical signs, it might be signs of heroin abuse. If so, there are many ways to get help. With Liberty House Recovery Center, you can participate in a heroin treatment program designed just for you. 

Liberty House Recovery is a drug treatment center in Michigan offering comprehensive opioid recovery programs. Contact us today to learn more about how our therapy approaches can help you overcome your addiction.

What is Heroin?

Heroin is an opioid. Opioids are drugs from the opium poppy plant or are synthetically made in a lab to function similarly. Heroin is derived from morphine, a prescription from the poppy plant.

How Does Heroin Affect the Body?

Your brain and body contain what are called “opioid receptors.” The brain also makes natural opioids called endogenous opioids”. Endogenous opioids find the opioid receptors, attach to them, and help control your pain levels. 

Endogenous opioids are categorized as “endorphins,” and many people know they get released after exercising or having sex. They make you feel high and block pain signals. 

To recognize symptoms of heroin addiction, you have to know how it works: Heroin (and other opioids) find those same opioid receptors in the brain, attach to them, and control your pain levels.

However, prescription opioids are there to help mask pain after things like surgery, but heroin is an illegal drug that is used to get high. 

Symptoms of heroin addiction show up in many ways because heroin attaches to multiple parts of the body:

  1. Heroin can attach to the limbic system, creating emotions like relaxation or pleasure. 
  2. Heroin can attach to your brain stem, controlling things your body does automatically, like feeling pain, breathing, or coughing.
  3. Heroin can attach to your spinal cord and decrease feelings of pain, leaving you feeling good instead.  

Heroin amplifies the endorphins and high you get, so it feels better than any endogenous opioids you’ve experienced naturally after things like exercise. 

What Are the Signs of Heroin Abuse?

The most obvious signs of heroin abuse are short-term withdrawal symptoms. 

Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

When you stop taking heroin, you experience intense withdrawal symptoms like:

  • Cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Cold flashes
  • Restlessness
  • Bone and muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Flushing of the skin
  • Heavy limbs
  • Dry mouth
  • Severe itching
  • Problems concentrating
  • Losing consciousness
  • Diarrhea and vomiting

Long-term heroin addiction changes the way cells work in your brain and body. 

Short Term Signs

Short-term signs of heroin addiction can include many behavioral and physical changes. For example, someone struggling with addiction might stop hanging out with friends and family, making up excuses, lying, and otherwise demonstrating secretive behavior.

That same person might start experiencing money problems. As addiction worsens, it’s common to have financial issues as most of your money intended for bills or food goes towards drugs.

You might notice in yourself or someone you love severe mood swings and hostility with no other explanation, having no motivation, sleeping too much, being generally irritable, or experiencing severe weight loss. You might also see physical signs like bruising, scabs, or track marks. 

Long-Term Signs of Heroin Abuse

Long-term signs of heroin addiction are more serious and can lead to ongoing insomnia, regular constipation, sexual dysfunction, or irregular menstruation.

You might also notice damaged tissue inside your nose if you snorted heroin or collapsed veins if you injected it. There are higher risks of kidney and liver disease, infections in the heart valves, and mental health disorders.

How to Treat Heroin Addiction

A heroin addiction program requires FDA-approved treatment with prescription medication to treat your withdrawal symptoms and ongoing therapy. 

There is a severe risk of overdose if you take high concentrations of heroin. Because heroin can influence and control automatic functions like breathing, you can stop breathing altogether or slow down to suck a rate that becomes hypoxic and damages your brain. For this reason, you must find heroin addiction treatment at a reputable rehab center.

Liberty House Recovery is a Heroin Drug Rehab Center in Michigan

Liberty House Recovery Center specializes in heroin addiction recovery. All of our programs start with FDA-approved detox. Your detox might last seven to ten days, during which your symptoms can peak between one and three days after your last dose. 

When you reach out to our compassionate staff, we will undergo an initial assessment to determine your level of health, your experience with rehab in the past, and how we can best help you with your recovery today. After your detox program is complete, we can start on the rest of your heroin treatment which involves ongoing individual and group therapy curated for your needs.

What Are the Behavioral Signs of Addiction?

What Are the Behavioral Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a complex and severe problem. If you’re concerned that someone you know may be addicted to something, we can help. In this blog, we’ll discuss the behavioral signs of addiction and give tips on dealing with it if you or someone you know is addicted.

Liberty House Recovery is a luxury drug and alcohol rehab in Michigan. Contact us today to learn more about our addiction treatment services.

What Causes Addiction?

Before we get into the behavioral signs of addiction, let’s first discuss what causes addiction. Addiction is caused by many factors, including genetics, environment, and psychological factors.


People with a family history of addiction are more likely to become addicted, and this is because addiction is partly genetic.

Studies with siblings have indicated a strong correlation between family members and incidences of addiction. 

If you have a parent or grandparent who was an alcoholic, you’re more likely to become an alcoholic.

Environmental Factors

The environment in which you live can also play a role in whether or not you develop an addiction. 

If you grow up in a common household where drug use is common, you’re more likely to use drugs.

Psychological Factors

And finally, mental health disorders can also lead to addiction. 

People who suffer from depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with their symptoms.

 Now that we’ve discussed what causes addiction let’s move on to the behavioral signs of addiction.

What Are the Signs of Addictive Behavior?

There are many behavioral warning signs of addiction. If you’re concerned that someone you know is addicted to something, here are some warning signs to look out for:

Secretive Behavior

If your friend or loved one is being secretive about their activities, it may be a sign that they’re using drugs or alcohol. 

They may try to hide their substance use from you by lying about where they’ve been or what they’ve been doing.

Changes in Appearance

If you notice that your friend or loved one’s appearance has changed, it may be a sign of addiction. 

For example, someone addicted to drugs may have larger or smaller pupils than usual. Or, someone who is addicted to alcohol may have a flushed face.

Change in Mood

If you notice a sudden change in your friend or loved one’s mood, it could be a sign of addiction. 

For example, they may be more anxious or irritable than usual. Or they may be more depressed or withdrawn.

Change in Behavior

If you notice a change in your friend’s or loved one’s behavior, it may be a sign of addiction. 

For example, they may start skipping school or work. Or, they may start hanging out with a new group of friends who are also using drugs or alcohol.

Financial Problems

If your friend or loved one suddenly has money problems, it may be because they’re spending their money on drugs or alcohol. 

For example, they may ask you for money more often than usual. Or, they may start stealing money from you or others.

What to Do If You Suspect Someone Is Addicted

If you suspect that someone you know is addicted to something, the best thing you can do is talk to them about it. 

Let them know you’re concerned about their behavior and want to help them get treatment.

If they’re not ready to seek help, there are still things you can do. 

For example, you can offer to go to counseling with them or to support group meetings. 

You can also talk to their doctor about your concerns and ask for a referral to a treatment program.

If you’re unsure where to start, contact a local treatment center or the National Addiction Hotline at 1-800-662-HELP. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re looking for a treatment program:

  • Make sure the program is accredited.
  • Make sure the program offers a variety of treatment modalities, such as counseling, group therapy, and medical detox.
  • Make sure the program is tailored to the individual’s needs.
  • Ensure the program offers aftercare services, such as sober living facilities or 12-step programs.

The bottom line is that addiction is a severe problem. If you suspect someone you know is addicted to something, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Liberty House Is An Addiction Treatment Center In Michigan

If you are searching for drug treatment centers in Michigan, Liberty House is here to help. Here at Liberty House Recovery, we offer a variety of treatment modalities for addictive behaviors, such as counseling, group therapy, and medical detox. 

We also provide addiction aftercare services in Michigan, such as sober living facilities or 12-step programs.

If you’re concerned that someone you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We can help them recover and live a healthy, happy life.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

One-time cocaine use can quickly evolve into a pattern of abuse, leading to addiction. As the effects of cocaine are very powerful yet short-lived, people often take more to re-experience the high they remember from their first use. This inevitable spiral causes the body and mind to build up a tolerance making stopping difficult, if not impossible, without help from a drug treatment center in Michigan like Liberty House Recovery Center. If you suspect a loved one may be abusing drugs, knowing the signs of cocaine abuse can be essential. Contact Liberty House Recovery to learn more.

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a white powdery substance made from coca plant leaves. Coca plants are native to South America. Data suggests approximately 2% of people in the U.S. have used cocaine in the last year. Cocaine goes by several other names, including street slang such as crack, coke, and blow, among others. Cocaine is a stimulant drug which means when you use cocaine, it increases alertness and energy. The chemicals in the drug affect your brain’s neural pathways, making you feel talkative, euphoric, and often overly energetic.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine addiction can be physical, meaning that your body craves the drug, but it can also be mental, which means one develops intense cravings for the drug’s effects. Cocaine is a stimulant; therefore, its initial effects energize your body. However, these effects are not long-lasting and begin to fade within minutes of use. Taking cocaine causes the chemical dopamine, a naturally occurring neurotransmitter, to increase its concentrations in the brain.

The elevation in dopamine concentrations causes feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and euphoria. The chemicals within cocaine prevent dopamine and other naturally occurring neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and serotonin) from being absorbed by nerve cells. This process allows large amounts of neurotransmitters to accumulate in the brain and stimulate surrounding nerve cells, only heightening a feeling of temporary euphoria.

The impacts of cocaine spread throughout the body. The psychological effects of cocaine use are evident in mood, behavior, and overall mental health changes. Individuals who use cocaine, whether short or long-term, often experience increased instances of paranoia and stats of panic. They often think people are “out to get them” or experience sudden, unprovoked fear. Hallucinations are also a common side effect of cocaine use. Cocaine addiction can also increase mental illness incidences, including depression and anxiety.

The physical effects of cocaine can be highly detrimental to each body system. Some of the physical effects, such as nausea, elevated blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat, increased body temperature, and enlarged pupils, are often short-term; however, several side effects, including damage to your respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, renal, and neurological systems, last much longer. Without detox and addiction treatment, the effects of chronic cocaine abuse can lead to permanent changes to life-sustaining body systems.

How to Treat Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine addiction treatment typically involves detox and therapy in a residential inpatient treatment program. Treatment programs designed around your unique treatment needs and goals significantly increase your chances of achieving a successful recovery from the physical and emotional effects of an addiction to cocaine. In an inpatient cocaine addiction treatment program, highly trained, compassionate therapists and medical professionals use evidence-based treatments to help a recovering addict learn how to live a healthy life without relying on cocaine. A typical rehab program for cocaine abuse includes counseling, support groups, relapse prevention education, and aftercare planning. Some treatment programs offer alternative or holistic therapy options designed to complement and enhance your Michigan drug treatment program.  

Liberty House Recovery Provides Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Michigan

Cocaine addiction harms a person’s body, mind, and overall well-being. In treatment, you can learn and practice the coping skills that will help you live free from cocaine and the effects of addiction. Thousands of people who once lived with cocaine addiction have sought treatment at an addiction treatment center like Liberty House Recovery Center to achieve lasting recovery and freedom from cocaine addiction. If you or a loved one are ready to take your first steps towards sobriety, let our experienced, compassionate treatment team at Liberty House help. Contact a member of our admissions team today to learn more about cocaine addiction treatment at our luxury drug and alcohol rehab in Michigan.

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse?

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse?

Many people refer to opioid drugs as narcotics. They are also better known to most as prescription painkillers. Opioid drugs come in two forms. The first is prescription pain medications. Medical providers prescribe these drugs to assist patients with pain management. The second type of opioid drug is illicit or illegal opioids. The most well-known illicit opioid is heroin, although the synthetic opioid fentanyl is becoming familiar quickly.


Which Drugs are Opioids?

Opioid drugs belong to a specific class of drugs, including legally prescribed pain medications and illicit or illegal drugs. Common examples of prescription opioids include oxycodone (oxycontin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), codeine, and morphine, among others. As mentioned above, not all opioid drugs are legal. Heroin is a widely available and highly dangerous opioid drug.

It is not uncommon for someone with an addiction to prescription pain medications to begin using heroin when they can no longer access their preferred prescription opioid. Another dangerous opioid is fentanyl. While fentanyl is used as a pain management tool in medical settings, it is also found as a “street drug” used to enhance other drugs. This practice is dangerous, sometimes even deadly, as it often means the user does not know the strength or ingredients of what they are taking.

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse?

Opioid use disorders develop when someone cannot stop using an opioid drug. This can occur when the opioid is prescribed as part of a pain management plan. Although you may realize ongoing opioid use can harm your physical and emotional health, you may find you cannot stop or reduce how often you use opioids without the help of a Michigan addiction treatment program like ours at Liberty House Recovery Center. Sometimes, you may turn to more potent, more dangerous opioid drugs when you can no longer access your drug of choice.

When someone experiences the challenges of an opioid use disorder, they may exhibit various signs and symptoms of their destructive relationship with substances. Because addiction looks different for everyone, the potential warning signs of an opioid use disorder may also look different. A few common examples of indications of opioid abuse include:

  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Lack of hygiene
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Weight loss
  • Inability to reduce or stop using
  • Voluntary isolation
  • Financial problems
  • Legal problems
  • Stealing to get money for drugs
  • Doctor shopping
  • Stealing prescriptions

Anyone who uses an opioid drug, whether prescription or otherwise, is at risk for abuse or addiction. At first, the signs and symptoms of addiction may be minimal or hard to recognize. If you suspect a loved one has an opioid addiction, contact us at Liberty House Recovery Center to learn more about opioid addiction treatment programs.

Are There Treatment Programs for Opioid Addiction?

Treatment for opioid addiction often requires a multifaceted approach. As strange as this may sound, sometimes prescription medications may help a person addicted to prescription medications to quit and recover from their addiction. Medications are often needed to help treat the symptoms associated with detoxification and withdrawal. Without these medications, the withdrawal process can be challenging and, for some, unmanageable.

Detox is only the first step in the treatment and recovery process. Once detox is complete, it is necessary to follow up with rehabilitation therapy to reduce the chances of relapse. Withdrawal is challenging, but for some, staying clean and drug-free beyond a stay in rehab is even more complicated. Treatment programs that tend to be the most effective are those that are comprehensive. 

Comprehensive treatment includes treatment that meets the person’s needs from the moment they enter rehabilitation through their discharge and post-rehabilitation environment. Effective treatment plans include relapse prevention measures such as creating a plan for when triggers are encountered, or cravings are higher than average. Some effective aftercare programs include sober living environments, check-ins, accountability measures, and follow-up counseling.

How to Find Opioid Rehab Centers in Michigan

Opioid addiction treatment programs like ours at Liberty House Recovery Center combine medically assisted detox with counseling and relapse prevention measures to assure your continued, ongoing success after you return home. Each treatment plan is created to suit your individual needs. If you or a loved one are battling an addiction to opioid drugs and are ready to take your first steps towards recovery, contact our Michigan opioid addiction treatment program today to find addiction and dual diagnosis treatment near Ann Arbor.

How to Get Someone Into Rehab

How to Get Someone Into Rehab

Millions of people of all ages and demographics suffer from the symptoms of unhealthy relationships with drugs or alcohol. Of those who meet the diagnostic criteria for a drug or alcohol use disorder, very few will ever seek help from a professional Michigan rehab program like Liberty House Recovery Center to put these challenges in the past. Despite ongoing education and progress towards better understanding the challenges individuals, families, and loved ones face with addiction, there remains a significant stigma and other challenges associated with seeking help.

Many worry about how the cost of rehab will affect their families. Still, others believe their harmful relationship with alcohol or drugs is not severe enough to warrant going to rehab. If you have a friend or loved one with a drug or alcohol addiction, you may wonder what you can do to get them the help they need to start their journey towards freedom from addiction. Below are a few ideas and signs and symptoms you can look for if you are concerned a loved one is abusing drugs.

What are the Signs a Loved One is Abusing Drugs?

When a loved one abuses drugs, the signs and symptoms that suggest they may need help will differ from those of anyone else. Several factors contribute to what substance addiction looks like from person to person. These can include the type of substance, how much they use, how often they use, and whether or not your loved one has a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder. This occurs when someone has both the symptoms of a substance use disorder and an underlying mental or medical health condition that could worsen their symptoms.

Although addiction is an individual challenge, there are signs that your loved one is abusing drugs that will look the same in many cases. These include physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. Often, the most easily noticed symptoms are physical changes. Common examples of the physical indications of addiction may include weight changes, sleeping problems, changes in hygiene habits, and changes in energy levels. Other signs of substance use such as sniffles, burns, track marks, and runny nose may also occur with certain substances.

Behavioral and emotional changes are other signs your loved one may be abusing drugs. For example, Their mood and behavior may change when intoxicated or experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms because they have not used alcohol or drugs recently. They may also experience legal and financial problems, work problems, and peer and social group changes. Your loved one may become increasingly isolated, depressed, paranoid, and anxious. While not an exhaustive list, if you notice any of the above potential signs of addiction, contact us at Liberty House Recovery Center to learn more about how to help your loved one get into rehab.

How to Talk to Someone Suffering From Addiction?

If your loved one suffers from addiction, they may have difficulty acknowledging an unhealthy relationship with drugs or alcohol. As a loved one, it can be challenging to watch and wait for someone to acknowledge they need help to get well. As frustrating as it may be, it is crucial to be supportive and patient.

Everyone who begins a rehab program must do so when they are ready. If they are not, they are unlikely to fully engage in all of the benefits and support treatment offers. When discussing drugs or alcohol or suggesting reasons rehab may be beneficial, it is essential to avoid inflammatory or accusatory statements. Instead, ensure your loved one knows you are here to help when they are ready.

How to Get Someone Into Rehab

One option for helping your loved one get into rehab is to contact their primary care provider. A primary care doctor or another medical professional (such as a mental health provider) they trust can talk with them about the effects of addiction and the effects of ongoing substance abuse. A primary care provider can also help your loved one learn more about how addiction affects the emotional health of their loved ones. 

If your loved one does not have a primary care provider, consider reaching out to a member of your admissions team here at Liberty House Recovery Center for suggestions and assistance in getting your loved one into rehab.

Finding Addiction Treatment in Michigan

If you are worried about your loved one’s relationship with drugs or alcohol and unsure where to start on the road to getting them the help they need, contact us at Liberty House Recovery Center today. 
Our admissions team can provide information about the benefits of rehab and suggest things you can do to help your loved one begin their journey to sobriety with our residential rehab programs in Michigan.

What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse?

What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse?

When medical or mental health treatment providers diagnose alcohol use disorders, they describe one’s relationship with alcohol in “degrees of severity.” The degrees of severity range from mild to severe. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) lists eleven specific criteria addiction treatment professionals use to help determine how severe your struggle with alcohol is. It is not necessary to exhibit all eleven to have an alcohol use disorder. The ability to recognize what problematic drinking “looks like” can help you seek help early to overcome addiction.

How Common is Alcoholism?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates over seventeen million American adults have alcohol use disorders of varying severity. Another nine-hundred thousand Americans between the ages of twelve and seventeen have alcohol use disorders. It is essential to remember that alcoholism is not a problem created overnight. It emerges from long-term alcohol abuse. For most adults, occasional, moderate drinking is not a cause for concern. However, when alcohol consumption becomes uncontrollable, addiction and alcoholism could become a problem.

What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse?

The signs of alcohol abuse look different from person to person, making recognizing signs of alcohol abuse challenging. Although long-term alcohol abuse will inevitably lead to significant physical and psychological health challenges, the time it takes for someone to develop an addiction to alcohol will vary. When someone abuses alcohol, the signs of their unhealthy relationship with drinking will be physical and psychological. When left untreated ongoing alcohol abuse can lead to severe and life-threatening consequences.

As noted above, recognizing the warning signs of alcohol abuse early can help ensure you or a loved one receive early access to vital alcohol addiction treatment. Although alcohol abuse will look different from one person to the next, several common symptoms appear in most cases. Common examples include:

  • Increasing isolation from friends and loved ones.
  • Drinking alone
  • Making excuses to drink.
  • Sudden and frequent mood swings.
  • New or worsening physical and mental health symptoms.
  • Difficulties with short-term memory or experiencing “blackouts.”
  • Legal or financial problems related to alcohol or drinking.

Are There Alcohol Treatment Centers in Michigan?

Getting sober when you have an alcohol addiction can be challenging and complicated. The withdrawal symptoms many experience when reducing or quitting alcohol entirely can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to manage without treatment support. Detoxing from alcohol for some can be dangerous and even life-threatening. For this reason, alcohol treatment centers in Michigan offer medically assisted detox to ensure you can overcome alcohol addiction in a safe and supportive setting. Once detox is complete, you can easily transition from detox to therapy in an environment where you feel comfortable and supported.

Addiction treatment programs offer various behavioral therapies that can help you address your addiction’s root causes and better understand how your behaviors are connected to cravings and triggers. During treatment, your treatment team will ask you to explore the behaviors that lead to addiction. You will also learn and practice new, healthy, safer coping mechanisms you can use once treatment ends to help better manage stressful situations or other circumstances that may have historically led you to alcohol use.

Addiction is a disease that affects everyone differently. Therefore one size fits all or cookie-cutter addiction treatment programs are not suitable to meet everyone’s addiction treatment needs and goals. At Liberty House, we will ensure your treatment program is as unique and individual as you are.

How to Find Treatment for Alcoholism near Ann Arbor, Michigan

Alcohol addiction is a chronic and progressive disease. It is classified as chronic because there is no cure. However, alcohol addiction is treatable, and long-term sobriety is possible. However, a person who is addicted to alcohol will always have to be on guard with their thoughts, actions, and triggers to avoid potential relapse after completing a successful alcohol addiction treatment program. Liberty House Recovery is an inpatient rehab in Michigan, providing therapy and detox programs near Ann Arbor. Contact us today to learn more about our Michigan alcohol treatment programs.

What are the Signs of Opioid Withdrawal?

What are the Signs of Opioid Withdrawal?

Opioid drugs or opioid painkillers are powerful prescription medications used to treat chronic and acute pain conditions. While highly effective when used as directed, opioid drugs have several potentially harmful effects, and their use can lead to addiction. In addition to prescription pain medications, opioids are also found as illicit drugs like heroin. Whether an opioid is used for medical needs or recreationally, the use of an opioid drug changes how the brain works and communicates with the rest of your body.

How Do Opioids Affect the Brain?

Opioids work within the brain to block pain signals received from elsewhere in the body. The drug itself affects the ability of pain signals to reach specific areas of the brain by attaching to the opioid receptors. Opioid receptors are responsible for telling the body that there is pain and how to address it adequately. Opioids help these neurotransmitters “trick” your body into not feeling pain but rather a sense of calm and relaxation.

Opioids also affect other structures in the brain, including the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is responsible for memory, attention, and other actions referred to as executive functions. Many of these functions carried out by the frontal lobe are crucial to day-to-day functioning. When opioid addiction is left untreated, chronic opioid use can damage the frontal lobe or, at the very least, impair its function.

Unfortunately, research has not found an explanation as to how opioids damage the frontal lobe. However, science does understand that chronic opioid use can lead to several problems with frontal lobe activity. Some of the most common effects stemming from frontal lobe damage include poor judgment, difficulties concentrating, problems with speech and language, inadequate planning and problem-solving skills, memory problems, and problems with movement.

Why Are Opioids Addictive?

Opioids reduce pain, but they also change how the brain releases the chemical dopamine. Dopamine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body responsible for relieving pain and increasing pleasure. When you take an opioid drug, the brain and body are flooded with far more dopamine than the brain can produce under normal circumstances.

Opioids become addictive because the brain seeks to repeat these feelings again. However, it cannot achieve the same dopamine rush without the aid of opioids. With continued use, the brain relies on the presence of an opioid as a primary source of pleasure.

What are the Signs of Opioid Withdrawal?

When someone develops a dependence on opioid drugs, they will experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to reduce or stop using their substance of choice. Withdrawal symptoms from prescription and illicit opioids are often quick to follow your last dose. The withdrawal symptoms accompanying opioid detox can be painful, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous or fatal. Because overcoming opioid addiction can be a challenge, it is vital to seek help to recover from opioid addiction at a Michigan rehab center like Liberty House Recovery Center, where medically assisted detox is available.

Withdrawal symptoms are an inevitable part of detoxing from opioids, and their potential dangers should not be ignored. Detox from any opioid is best managed at a detox program with medical support. The onset of withdrawal symptoms and the specific symptoms you experience will vary depending on the substance (or substances) used. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms may occur within six hours of your last dose.

The most common opioid withdrawal symptoms include body aches, anxiety, sweating, nausea, vomiting, agitation, sleeping difficulties, and stomach issues. In more severe cases, symptoms including irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and seizures may occur.

The more severe withdrawal symptoms, which are unpredictable, highlight the need for medically supported opioid detox. Unfortunately, those who attempt detox “cold turkey” often find they are unsuccessful when withdrawal symptoms become too complex to manage. At a Michigan medically assisted detox program or MAT program like Liberty House Recovery Center, medical professionals are here to support you during the detox process, including helping with symptom management. Detox is often a complicated process, but it is the first essential step on the journey to sobriety.

How to Find Comprehensive Opioid Detox Programs

A comprehensive opioid detox program is just a phone call away. At Liberty House Recovery Center, our Michigan addiction treatment programs can help you safely put struggles with opioid addiction in the past. Our experienced, skilled team of medical and mental health providers is here to help you through each stage of your opioid addiction recovery. Don’t let opioid addiction steal another day. Contact us today to learn more about opioid detox, treatment, and aftercare at Liberty House Recovery Center.

What Causes Relapse?

What Causes Relapse?

Like many chronic illnesses (asthma, heart disease, diabetes), addiction is considered a treatable disorder. This means that while there is no cure for addiction, you can manage it successfully with treatment and commitment to practicing relapse prevention tools. However, addiction is considered “a chronic, relapsing disorder,” meaning someone who struggles with addiction may experience a relapse, or a return to substance use, even after completing treatment.

Unfortunately, relapse is not rare. The NIDA, National Institutes on Drug Abuse, suggests that between 40 and 60% of people who complete an addiction treatment program will face relapse at least once as part of their recovery journey. It is vital to remember that relapse is not a sign of failure, although frustrating, upsetting (and potentially dangerous). Relapse is a common part of the illness of addiction, and it is possible to overcome relapse and get back on track with your recovery.

What Causes Relapse?

Many unique factors contribute to relapse, and each affects one person differently than another. Relapse is often a combination of physical, environmental, and emotional triggers. Triggers will inevitably remain a challenge to your sobriety even after completing treatment, and there are certain people, places, or things that may lead to the urge to drink or use. For example:

  • Going to a place where alcohol or drugs are present such as a club or party
  • Being around people using or drinking
  • Seeking objects that remind you of substances use

As powerful as they are, environmental triggers are not the only challenge to your sobriety. Mental health and biological triggers may also create challenges. For many who are new to recovery (or even well into their recovery), emotions, thoughts, and untreated or undiagnosed mental health challenges may increase your vulnerability to relapse. Common examples include:

  • Stressful work experiences.
  • Family struggles.
  • Trauma.
  • Negative emotional experiences.
  • Untreated mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Physical difficulties such as body aches, chronic pain, or physical pain stemming from illness or injury can also lead to relapse. This is especially true if powerful medications are prescribed to manage pain related to an injury.

In addition to the above, suddenly stopping medications linked to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) or not having a robust and supportive support system at home can cause recovery challenges. It is essential to ensure that your aftercare plans consider the things you will need long-term to maintain lasting sobriety, especially if your support structure outside of the treatment environment is lacking.

What are Relapse Prevention Programs?

Relapse prevention programs, sometimes called aftercare programs, are a part of the therapeutic process that often begins immediately after your primary treatment program. As part of an aftercare program, you will continue learning more about vital relapse prevention tools and how you can adapt those tools to meet your specific needs. You will also participate in peer support groups and ongoing counseling sessions designed to help you reinforce all that you gained during treatment. The best relapse prevention programs consider your unique needs. They are designed around helping you maintain access to therapy, peer support, medical support, and the other elements of aftercare you need to maintain lasting sobriety.

Tips for Preventing Relapse

Relapse is common but not unpreventable. You can do a few things to help reduce your chances of experiencing a relapse. First, avoid triggers. As part of treatment, you will learn more about triggers to better understand what might lead you to use or drink again. Although it is likely impossible to avoid everything that may be triggering, developing self-awareness and knowing that a particular person, place, or thing may lead to challenges can help you better manage your exposure.

It is also important to have a strong support system you can turn to when you need help. Many people develop a strong circle of peers as part of their aftercare program. Others may have supportive family and friends at home if they need assistance to prevent relapse or get back to treatment if a relapse occurs. Peer support groups or treatment alumni programs are an excellent source of non-judgmental support where you can learn from and help others who are on the same journey.

Finally, reach out for help. If you are worried about relapse, have relapsed, or struggle to effectively manage relapse triggers, reaching out for help at an inpatient treatment program in Michigan like Liberty House can help you stay on track or get back on track after relapse. If you are concerned about relapsing, it may indicate you need to work with your treatment provider to adjust your current aftercare plan. Taking steps early can prevent relapse and help you stay on the road to lasting recovery.

How to Find Relapse Prevention Near Me

Relapse can occur for many reasons, but it is possible to prevent relapse by participating in a comprehensive relapse prevention program in Michigan. If you are currently in rehab, talk to your treatment team about relapse prevention and aftercare planning. If you are concerned about relapse or have relapsed, don’t wait to seek help. Contact us at Liberty House to get back on track with your recovery.